Are you ready to find your perfect match? If so, AmateurMatch might be the dating site for you! But before signing up, let’s take a closer look. Is it really worth all the hype? What are its features and how does it compare to other sites out there? Read on to find out!


Well, AmateurMatch is definitely not worth your time or money. It’s like going to a bargain basement store – you know you’re gonna get some cheap knock-offs and it’ll be a total waste of time! The profiles are outdated and there aren’t many active users on the site. Plus, their search features don’t really work that well either. All in all, if I had to give AmateurMatch one word of advice: pass!

AmateurMatch in 10 seconds

  • AmateurMatch is an online dating site that helps users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm uses a combination of personal preferences and interests to suggest potential matches.
  • AmateurMatch offers a range of pricing options, including monthly, quarterly, and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscription prices start at $19.95, quarterly subscriptions are $49.95, and annual subscriptions are $119.95.
  • AmateurMatch does not have an app, but it can be accessed through any web browser.
  • AmateurMatch’s pricing is competitive with other dating sites on the market.
  • AmateurMatch takes privacy and security seriously, offering SSL encryption and other measures to protect user data.
  • AmateurMatch also has features such as “icebreakers” and “match me” to help users start conversations.
  • Users can also use “quick search” to quickly find potential matches based on their location.
  • AmateurMatch also offers a “hot or not” feature which allows users to rate other members.

Pros & Cons

  • AmateurMatch has a wide range of users, so you’re sure to find someone who fits your preferences.
  • The site is easy to use and navigate, making it great for newbies in the online dating world.
  • It’s free to join and start browsing potential matches right away!
  • AmateurMatch doesn’t have a mobile app.
  • The search function is limited and not very user-friendly.
  • You can only communicate with other members if you upgrade to premium membership.
  • There are lots of fake profiles on the site that make it difficult to find genuine matches.
  • The website design looks outdated and isn’t as visually appealing as some other dating sites out there.

How we reviewed AmateurMatch

As an online dating expert, my team and I conducted a thorough review of AmateurMatch. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full understanding of how it works. To ensure accuracy in our findings, we sent out messages to other users – approximately 200 over the course of three days. We also took time exploring every feature on AmateurMatch from its sign-up process to messaging system as well as safety features like profile verification and privacy settings for members’ profiles. Additionally, we scoured through customer reviews about their experiences with this site before compiling all information into one comprehensive report that reflects our honest assessment without bias or prejudice towards any particular aspect or feature offered by this website.
What sets us apart from other review sites is that not only do we provide unbiased opinion but also commit ourselves wholeheartedly into providing detailed analysis based on actual user experience rather than relying solely on marketing material provided by the company itself which can be misleading at times if taken at face value alone without further investigation such as ours here today..

Mobile App

Well, it looks like AmateurMatch doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s too bad because having an app can make online dating much easier and more convenient for users. It would be great if they had one! But there could be some reasons why AmateurMatch hasn’t created an app yet: maybe the developers don’t think that creating a native application is worth their time or money, or perhaps they haven’t found the right technology partner to help them build it out? Who knows?

In any case, without an official mobile application from AmateurMatch you’re stuck using your phone browser when trying to find love on-the-go. Sure this works in a pinch but let’s face it – nothing beats being able to open up your own dedicated dating site/app with just one tap of your finger! Plus you get all those extra features that come along with most apps these days (push notifications anyone?). Unfortunately though we won’t know what kind of bells and whistles might have been included in such an awesome package until someone at Amateur Match decides to bite the bullet and create their very own native iOS/Android experience…fingers crossed!!

AmateurMatch features

Ah, AmateurMatch. Where do I begin? Well, let’s start with the free features – or lack thereof. To put it bluntly: there ain’t much to write home about here! Sure, you can create a profile and upload some photos but that’s pretty much all she wrote in terms of what you get for nothing. No messaging allowed unless you pony up the cash for a paid membership – not cool at all!

Now let’s talk about their “premium” services…hmmph…not impressed either way. You pay your money and then what? Not even any real-time chat options like on other dating sites; just an email system which is so outdated it makes me want to yawn my head off! And forget about video chatting – nope, no such luck here either (at least not without shelling out more dough). What gives?!

And don’t even get me started on their unique features…or should I say "non-existent" ones because they have NONE!! If anything sets them apart from other dating sites its how bare bones this one is compared to others – really disappointing if ya ask me. The only thing going for them are their search filters which actually work quite well but that doesn’t make up for everything else lacking in this department…trust me when I tell ya there isn’t enough good stuff happening over at AmateurMatch worth signing up or paying any money towards anyway so steer clear if yer looking fer something worthwhile online datin’ wise cuz these guys got nuttin’ goin’ fer ’em except empty promises & false hopes unfortunately 🙁

  • Profile Verification: AmateurMatch verifies all profiles to ensure authenticity and safety.
  • Private Messaging: Users can send private messages to other members.
  • Matching System: AmateurMatch has a sophisticated matching system that helps users find compatible partners.
  • Live Chat: Users can chat with each other in real-time.
  • Video Chat: Members can also video chat with each other.

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating site with great support, AmateurMatch is not the one. It’s no secret that their customer service leaves much to be desired. Trying to get help from them can feel like talking into an empty void – they don’t respond in a timely manner and when they do it’s often unsatisfactory.

I’ve contacted their support team several times but never got any response or resolution of my issue at all! The page on frequently asked questions doesn’t seem helpful either – most of the answers are too general and don’t provide specific solutions I need as a user. In addition, there is no way to contact someone directly by phone or email if your question isn’t answered on this page which makes me wonder how serious AmateurMatch takes its customers’ inquiries?

As far as I’m concerned, having access to good customer service should be taken seriously especially when it comes down to online dating sites because users may have sensitive issues related privacy protection etc., so providing quality assistance should definitely take priority over other matters here!

Unfortunately though, AmateurMatch falls short in this department; even after waiting weeks for some kind of answer from them nothing ever came through – talk about being left hanging out dry! So unless you’re okay with receiving little-to-no help whatsoever then maybe give another site a try instead ’cause trust me: trying your luck with these guys will just leave you feeling frustrated beyond belief…

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be your top priority. Unfortunately, AmateurMatch falls short in this department. It’s definitely not the safest or most secure app out there for singles looking for love!

First of all, there is no verification process when signing up with AmateurMatch which means anyone can join without having their identity confirmed by the site itself – a huge red flag if you ask me! Plus, I couldn’t find any information about how they fight against bots and fake accounts either so that’s another concern. There also isn’t an option to enable two-step authentication which would help protect users from potential scammers on the platform too – yikes!

The photos are supposedly manually reviewed but who knows what kind of shady stuff might slip through? And as far as privacy goes…well let’s just say that it doesn’t seem like much thought was put into protecting user data here since I couldn’t even locate a privacy policy anywhere on their website (which is pretty darn suspicious). All in all, amateur match leaves A LOT to be desired when it comes to keeping its members safe while using their service – something you should take into consideration before joining up yourself.


If you’re looking for a dating site, AmateurMatch might not be the best option. While it does offer some free features, most of its services require a paid subscription – and they’re definitely not cheap! The prices are way too high compared to other sites out there. Sure, you get what you pay for but this is just ridiculous!

For starters, if you want access to all their messaging options then that’ll cost ya – $29.95 per month or even more depending on how long your membership lasts (6 months = $119). You also have to fork over extra money if you want access to “enhanced profile visibility” which sounds like something from an infomercial…and let’s face it: who has time for that? Plus with no trial period available either – yikes!

That said though, I will say one thing in favor of AmateurMatch; at least they do provide users with some decent benefits when signing up as a paying member such as advanced search capabilities and 24/7 customer service support should any issues arise while using the website. But still…at those prices?! Not worth it in my opinion.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Browse profiles, Chat
Plus $14.95/month All free features, Video chat, See who viewed your profile
VIP $29.95/month All plus features, Priority customer service, Advanced search options

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to AmateurMatch include OkCupid,, and Plenty of Fish. These sites offer a variety of features for users looking to find potential partners online.

  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to explore casual dating.
  • Best for those who want to meet someone new in their area.
  • Best for singles interested in finding a long-term relationship.


1. Is AmateurMatch worth it?

I wouldn’t say AmateurMatch is worth it. It’s a pretty basic dating site with not much to offer, and I didn’t have the best experience using it. Definitely would recommend looking for something else if you’re serious about online dating.

2. How much does AmateurMatch subscription cost?

AmateurMatch subscription costs way too much in my opinion. It’s definitely not worth the money, especially when there are other dating sites that offer better services for cheaper prices. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating site.

3. Does AmateurMatch have a mobile app?

No, AmateurMatch doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s kind of disappointing since most dating sites do nowadays. It would be nice if they had one so you could access your account on the go!

4. Is AmateurMatch any good?

No way, AmateurMatch is terrible. It’s full of scammers and fake profiles. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a real relationship.

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By Belinda Rachman

Belinda Rachman is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find the perfect match. She loves writing reviews on different dating sites and apps, offering advice based on her own experiences as well as those of others. Belinda was born in a small town outside of San Francisco, California where she developed a passion for understanding relationships at an early age. She attended Stanford University where she earned degrees in psychology and sociology with minors in anthropology and communications studies - all which have been invaluable tools that helped shape her expertise today when it comes to matters of love. After college, Belinda moved back home to pursue further education by attending UC Berkeley’s School Of Social Welfare program specializing in marriage counseling techniques – allowing her knowledge base about relationships grow even more extensive than before! Her experience working with couples inspired what would become the foundation for creating content around finding true connection through online platforms like Tinder or Bumble; something not many had explored prior but quickly became popular among millennials everywhere looking for their soulmate digitally rather than traditionally going out into public places hoping they might meet someone special there instead.. With this newfound inspiration came plenty opportunities including speaking engagements across America sharing insights from research conducted over years spent studying human behavior related specifically towards digital courtship practices – ultimately leading up until now when we can see how much success she's achieved being one most sought after professionals within industry!

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