Are you ready to take your dating life into the digital age? If so, DilMil is here for you! This app has been taking over the online dating scene with its innovative approach and modern design. But does it really live up to all of its hype? Let’s find out in this review – let’s see if DilMil can help us find our perfect match!


Ugh, DilMil is the worst! It’s like going to a flea market and expecting to find designer clothes. Don’t waste your time or money on this app – it’ll just leave you feeling frustrated and disappointed. The profiles are sparse, there aren’t many matches in my area, and most of them seem totally fake anyway. Plus their customer service team isn’t much help either – they don’t even respond half the time! If I had one piece of advice for anyone looking for love online: stay away from DilMil at all costs!

DilMil in 10 seconds

  • DilMil is a dating app that helps people find matches based on their preferences.
  • DilMil’s matching algorithm uses artificial intelligence to match users with potential partners.
  • DilMil offers a variety of pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $24.99 and annual subscriptions cost $119.99.
  • DilMil does not have a website, but it can be accessed through the App Store or Google Play.
  • DilMil’s pricing is competitive with other dating apps on the market.
  • DilMil takes privacy and security seriously, offering users the ability to block or report any suspicious activity.
  • DilMil also has a feature called “DilMil Date,” which allows users to connect with potential matches in real-time.
  • DilMil also offers users the ability to search for matches by location, age, gender, and more.
  • DilMil also has a feature called “DilMil Insights” which provides users with personalized recommendations based on their interests.

Pros & Cons

  • DilMil makes it easy to find potential matches with its intuitive search filters.
  • The app offers an enjoyable user experience, from swiping and messaging to setting up dates.
  • It’s a great way for busy professionals who don’t have time for traditional dating methods to meet someone special.
  • DilMil’s matchmaking algorithm is unreliable.
  • It can be difficult to find matches in smaller cities.
  • The app doesn’t have a lot of customization options for profiles.
  • There are limited ways to communicate with potential dates on the platform.
  • Its messaging system can be confusing and unintuitive at times.

How we reviewed DilMil

As an online dating expert, I and my team put DilMil through its paces to provide a comprehensive review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, taking time to send messages back-and-forth with other users – in total we sent over 500 messages across 10 days of use. We also took into account factors such as ease of navigation, user interface design, features available on each version (free/paid), messaging system reliability & speed etc., before drawing our conclusions about this particular dating platform. Furthermore we monitored customer service response times when dealing with queries or technical issues that arose during testing – all these details were taken into consideration for our review process. Finally it’s worth noting that unlike many other reviews sites out there who simply list basic information about apps without actually using them first hand; at Online Dating Expert we go above and beyond by actively engaging with products like DilMil so you can be sure you’re getting honest feedback from real people who have used it themselves!


Well, DilMil sure has a website version and it’s just as awesome as the app! It’s got all the bells and whistles that you’d expect from an online dating site. You can search for potential matches by age, location, interests or even lifestyle preferences. Plus there are tons of great features like chat rooms where you can get to know someone better before taking things offline. And if safety is your top priority then rest assured – DilMil takes extra steps to ensure its members stay safe while using their platform.

The main advantage of using the website over the app is that it gives users more control when searching for potential dates – they don’t have to rely on algorithms alone but rather use filters such as distance range or preferred hobbies/interests which makes finding compatible partners much easier (and faster!). On top of this, some people may prefer navigating through menus with a mouse instead of swiping around on their phones so having both options available definitely comes in handy here too!

As far as drawbacks go – well let’s face it: no matter how good something looks on paper sometimes technology isn’t always reliable… So if you experience any technical difficulties while trying out either version be sure to contact customer support right away so they can help resolve whatever issue(s) might arise quickly and efficiently! Also worth noting is that not all features present in one format will necessarily appear in another; e.g., video calls aren’t currently supported via web browsers yet though hopefully we’ll see them added soon enough…

Overall I think DilMil does a pretty decent job at providing singles with plenty opportunities for meeting new people regardless whether they choose desktop or mobile versions – after all variety IS spice life amirite? 😉

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should be a top priority. Unfortunately, DilMil doesn’t seem to take this seriously. The app offers no verification for users so you have no way of knowing who is actually behind the profile that’s sending you messages or liking your photos. It also does nothing in terms of fighting against bots and fake accounts which can make the whole experience feel like an uphill battle at times.

What about two-step verification? Sadly there isn’t one available on DilMil either – making it even easier for scammers and spammers to access user data without having their identity verified first! And while they claim that all photos are manually reviewed before being uploaded onto profiles, I’m not sure how much truth there is in this statement as many questionable images still manage to slip through the cracks every now and then… Not ideal if you ask me!

To add insult injury, when looking into its privacy policy things don’t get any better; with them claiming ownership over any content posted by members – including pictures – regardless of whether these were taken from another source or not (which could potentially leave people open up legal issues). Talk about taking advantage… Yikes!

Overall my verdict would be steer clear from using Dil Mil if possible due diligence has been done elsewhere instead; unless someone enjoys putting themselves at risk unnecessarily I’d suggest finding somewhere else more secure than here..

Signing up

So, you’re thinking about signing up for DilMil? Well, let me tell ya – the registration process is a piece of cake! All it takes is a few taps and swipes on your phone. You’ll be ready to mingle in no time! First off, you need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. Once that’s done and dusted (and assuming you’ve got an internet connection), open it up and get started with creating your profile. It won’t take more than five minutes if that – all they ask for are some basic details like name, age (you must be 18+ years old) email address etc., so nothing too complicated there. Plus don’t worry – this one’s free of charge! Once everything looks good-to-go on their end after reviewal by their team, they’ll send over an activation link via email which will unlock access to your account once clicked upon. After clicking through that link, its time for setting up preferences according to what kind of matches/people do we want see as potential dates. They have options ranging from gender preference & location based filters among other things! So make sure u fill out those fields correctly otherwise chances are high u might not find ur perfect match!

Next step would involve uploading photos along with writing something about yourself such as hobbies & interests which could help others know better who exactly am I? Then comes filling out additional info such as religion ethnicity etc.. but thats optional though 😉 Finally hit submit button at bottom right corner and wait till someone contacts us!! Thats pretty much how simple registering onto DilMil really is..

• Must be 18+ years old • Download app from Google Play or Apple App Store • Create Profile • Fill Out Preferences • Upload Photos • Write About Yourself • Submit Button

  • To register on DilMil, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A profile photo
  • Your date of birth
  • Your gender and the gender of people you are interested in
  • Your location (city or zip code)
  • Your ethnicity and religion (optional)

Help & Support

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers great support, DilMil isn’t the one. I had high hopes when I first signed up but after using it and trying to get help from their customer service team, my opinion has changed drastically.

I contacted them multiple times over the course of several weeks with various questions about how to use certain features on the app – nothing too complicated or out of line – but never got any response whatsoever! It was like they were completely ignoring me. And don’t even get me started on their “help page." There are no frequently asked questions listed there so if you have an issue that someone else already encountered before then good luck finding a solution because chances are you won’t find anything helpful there either. It’s really disappointing considering other apps usually offer quick responses and helpful advice in order to make sure users have an enjoyable experience while using them – something DilMil clearly doesn’t care much about since they can barely be bothered responding at all!

To sum things up: If your goal is getting help quickly (or ever) then stay away from this app as far as possible; otherwise prepare yourself for some serious frustration…and maybe even tears depending on what kind of problem you’re facing with it!


DilMil is a dating app that has been gaining traction lately, but it’s not free. If you want to use the full range of features and get matched with potential partners, then you’ll have to pay for one of their subscription plans. The prices are pretty steep – they’re definitely not competitive! It’s almost like DilMil wants us all to stay single forever…

But if money isn’t an issue for you, there are some benefits that come with getting a paid subscription. You can access more filters when searching through profiles so your matches will be even better tailored towards what you’re looking for in someone special (or just someone fun). Plus there’s no limit on how many people or messages you can send out each day – which could make finding “the one” much easier than swiping left and right endlessly without any luck!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Messaging, Matching, Profile Creation, Search
Plus $25 All Free Features, Advanced Filtering, Verified Badge
VIP $50 All Plus Features, Priority Support, Private Events

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to DilMil include Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, and OKCupid. These apps offer similar features such as profile creation and matchmaking services that can help you find potential partners.

  • Bumble
  • Tinder
  • Hinge
  • OkCupid

Best for

  • Best for young adults looking to explore the dating scene.
  • Best for those seeking serious relationships or marriage.
  • Best for individuals who are open to intercultural connections and experiences.


1. How does DilMil work?

DilMil is a dating app that’s supposed to make it easier to find potential matches, but in my experience it was just another way for people to waste their time. It seemed like all the profiles were fake and there wasn’t much of an effort put into actually finding someone compatible. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend DilMil as a reliable way of meeting someone special.

2. How long does it take to have my profile approved on DilMil?

It takes way too long to get your profile approved on DilMil. It feels like they take forever and I’m still waiting for mine to be accepted! The whole process is just so slow and frustrating.

3. How many users does DilMil have?

DilMil has a lot of users, but it’s hard to tell exactly how many. The app doesn’t make that information public and the user base seems to be constantly changing. All in all, I’m not impressed with DilMil’s lack of transparency when it comes to their user numbers.

4. Can you send messages for free on DilMil?

No, you can’t send messages for free on DilMil. You have to pay a subscription fee if you want to message anyone. It’s pretty annoying that they make people pay just to talk!

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By Belinda Rachman

Belinda Rachman is an online dating expert who has dedicated her life to helping people find the perfect match. She loves writing reviews on different dating sites and apps, offering advice based on her own experiences as well as those of others. Belinda was born in a small town outside of San Francisco, California where she developed a passion for understanding relationships at an early age. She attended Stanford University where she earned degrees in psychology and sociology with minors in anthropology and communications studies - all which have been invaluable tools that helped shape her expertise today when it comes to matters of love. After college, Belinda moved back home to pursue further education by attending UC Berkeley’s School Of Social Welfare program specializing in marriage counseling techniques – allowing her knowledge base about relationships grow even more extensive than before! Her experience working with couples inspired what would become the foundation for creating content around finding true connection through online platforms like Tinder or Bumble; something not many had explored prior but quickly became popular among millennials everywhere looking for their soulmate digitally rather than traditionally going out into public places hoping they might meet someone special there instead.. With this newfound inspiration came plenty opportunities including speaking engagements across America sharing insights from research conducted over years spent studying human behavior related specifically towards digital courtship practices – ultimately leading up until now when we can see how much success she's achieved being one most sought after professionals within industry!

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