Are you ready to find your soulmate in Indonesia? Or maybe just a fun fling? IndonesianCupid is the perfect place for both! But how does it measure up against other dating sites out there? In this review, we’ll take an honest look at what makes IndonesianCupid unique and whether or not it’s worth signing up. We’ll cover features like safety protocols, ease of use, cost – all that good stuff. So buckle up and let’s dive into our comprehensive review of IndonesianCupid!


Ugh, IndonesianCupid is like a bad blind date. You know it’s not gonna work out before you even start! The site has so few users that your chances of finding someone who meets your criteria are slim to none. Plus, the profiles aren’t detailed enough and there isn’t much in terms of features or tools to help make connections easier. In short, if you’re looking for love online – skip this one and look elsewhere because it ain’t worth the time or money!

IndonesianCupid in 10 seconds

  • IndonesianCupid is a dating site that helps users find matches based on their interests and preferences.
  • Its matching algorithm uses a combination of personal data and user behavior to suggest potential partners.
  • IndonesianCupid offers several pricing options, including a free basic membership and paid premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscription prices range from $29.98 for one month to $119.99 for twelve months.
  • IndonesianCupid has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • IndonesianCupid’s pricing is competitive with other dating sites on the market.
  • IndonesianCupid takes privacy and security seriously, offering users the ability to block and report suspicious accounts.
  • IndonesianCupid also provides users with the option to verify their profile to increase their visibility.
  • IndonesianCupid offers features such as video chat and live streaming to help users connect with potential partners.
  • IndonesianCupid also has a translation feature to help users communicate with people who speak different languages.

Pros & Cons

  • IndonesianCupid makes it easy to find potential matches in Indonesia.
  • The site offers great search filters and messaging features for connecting with other users.
  • It’s free to join, so you can start meeting people right away!
  • The user interface is outdated and clunky.
  • There are not many active users on the site.
  • Not all profiles have pictures or detailed information about themselves.
  • Some features require a paid subscription to access them fully.
  • It can be difficult to find matches outside of Indonesia due to its location-based matching system

How we reviewed IndonesianCupid

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of IndonesianCupid. We tested both the free and paid versions to ensure we had access to all features available on the site. To get an accurate picture of how users interact with each other, we sent out messages over several days – in total sending out more than 200 messages! During our testing period, which lasted for 10 days straight (talk about dedication!), we also monitored user activity across different time zones as well as analyzed data from various demographics such as age range or gender ratio. We went beyond simply using the website; while doing so would have given us some insight into its usability and effectiveness it wouldn’t be enough to provide readers with a comprehensive overview that they could trust when making their own decisions about whether this is right for them or not. That’s why at every step along the way during our review process we made sure that nothing was left untested – no stone was left unturned! This commitment sets us apart from other review sites who don’t offer such in-depth reviews like ours; after all what good is a half-hearted effort?

IndonesianCupid features

Ah, IndonesianCupid. I’ve heard a lot about this dating site and decided to give it a try…big mistake! Let me tell you why. First of all, the free features are pretty much non-existent – unless you count being able to create an account as one? You can’t even view other members’ profiles without upgrading your membership so that’s kind of lame if you ask me. Even when I did upgrade my membership (which was not cheap!), there were still very few options available for communicating with potential matches – like sending "interests" or adding them as favorites but no actual messaging allowed until I upgraded again?! Talk about nickel and diming people! It’s almost like they want us to pay more just so we can actually communicate with each other on their platform which is ridiculous in my opinion. The only unique feature that IndonesianCupid offers is its “Match” function where users are matched based on compatibility questions they answer during sign up – although these questions aren’t particularly deep or insightful either way…so what good does it do really? All in all, between the lack of useful free features and costly upgrades needed just for basic communication abilities; plus lackluster matching capabilities; overall IndonesianCupid isn’t worth anyone’s time or money in my book – steer clear folks!!

  • Free registration and profile creation
  • Ability to upload photos and videos
  • Advanced search options to find compatible matches
  • Instant messaging and video chat capabilities
  • Verified profiles to ensure safety and security

Signing up

Registering on IndonesianCupid is a breeze! All you need to do is head over to the website, click “Join Now” and fill out your details. You have to be at least 18 years old in order for your account registration request to be accepted. It’s free too, so no worries about having an empty wallet afterwards!

The first step of registering requires basic information such as name, age and gender; nothing fancy here. Then comes the fun part – creating a profile with some interesting facts about yourself that will help potential matches get acquainted with who you are better (or worse!). There are several sections where you can provide more information: appearance traits like height or eye color; lifestyle habits such as smoking/drinking preferences; cultural background including language proficiency level etc.; education status plus job title if applicable…you get it – lots of info which makes up for an intriguing dating profile page! It goes without saying that uploading photos adds even more charm into this process since they give other users a glimpse into what kind of person one might encounter when swiping through profiles later on 😉 And don’t forget adding interests either – those come in handy during matching phase once all registrations steps have been completed successfully already.

Once everything has been filled out properly (and honestly!), there’s only one last thing left before hitting "submit" button – verifying email address by clicking the link sent via mail after signing up…voilà we’re done now and ready for some online flirting & dating action 😉

  • To register on IndonesianCupid, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A password
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your age
  • Your location
  • Your ethnicity
  • A profile photo

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that will make your heart skip a beat, IndonesianCupid isn’t it. With its dated design and lack of usability features, this online dating platform leaves much to be desired.

Let’s start with the visuals: The color scheme is about as exciting as watching paint dry – there are no bright colors or eye-catching graphics here! It looks like something out of the early 2000s – all blue links on an off-white background; not exactly what I’d call visually appealing. Plus, most of the text font is so small you need a magnifying glass to read it!
The navigation bar at the top doesn’t help either – if anything it makes things more confusing than they already were. There aren’t any helpful categories listed anywhere in sight which means users have to search through every page until they find what they’re looking for (which can take forever). Even then there’s no guarantee that their query will turn up results since some pages don’t even load properly half the time!

And when we get into usability…well let me just say that “usability" isn’t really part of IndonesianCupid’s vocabulary. You’ll often find yourself clicking around aimlessly trying desperately to figure out how certain functions work because nothing seems intuitively laid out whatsoever – good luck figuring out how messages actually send without getting frustrated first!! On top of everything else, signing up takes ages due to long forms and multiple steps involved…it feels like eternity before you finally finish creating your profile.

If all these shortcomings weren’t enough though, unfortunately purchasing one those paid subscriptions won’t do much in terms making navigating easier either. Sure,you might get access few extra features but overall UI experience still remains same : clunky unappealing mess! All said done, if ‘ re serious about finding someone special online better look elsewhere ; my advice would steer clear from Indonesia Cupid unless absolutely necessary!

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, IndonesianCupid might seem like an attractive option. But don’t be fooled! This platform is far from secure and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone who values their safety online.

First of all, there doesn’t appear to be any verification process in place for users on the site – no two-step authentication or anything like that – so you can never really know if someone is who they say they are. Plus, with no real way of fighting against bots and fake accounts (that we could find), it’s hard not to feel as though your personal information isn’t at risk when using this service. On top of that, photos aren’t manually reviewed before being posted either – which means even more potential danger lurking around every corner – yikes! And while IndonesianCupid does have a privacy policy in place (which I guess counts for something?), let’s just say it wasn’t exactly reassuring… Not only was the language overly complicated but some parts were downright confusing too; leaving me feeling pretty uneasy about my data security overall…

All things considered then? If safety and security are important factors when choosing a dating app then steer clear of IndonesianCupid: It won’t do much good keeping your info safe here!


Ah, IndonesianCupid. Where do I start? Well, it’s not free if that’s what you’re hoping for! You’ll have to shell out some cash if you want access to all the features this dating site has to offer. The good news is they don’t charge an arm and a leg – their prices are pretty competitive compared with other sites in the same market.

But here’s where things get tricky: while there are benefits of getting a paid subscription like being able to send unlimited messages or having your profile highlighted on search results – these come at extra cost too! So basically, unless you pay up more than just the basic membership fee then chances are your online love life won’t be as exciting as it could be…and who wants that?! Bottom line: If money isn’t an issue then go ahead and sign up but otherwise save yourself from spending unnecessary funds by looking elsewhere for potential dates instead!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, browse other profiles, send interest to other users
Gold $35 All free features, send messages, access advanced search filters
Platinum $50 All Gold features, VIP profile highlighting, message translation

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to IndonesianCupid include Tinder, Badoo, and OkCupid. These dating sites offer similar features such as profile creation, messaging capabilities, and matchmaking services for those looking to find a romantic partner in Indonesia.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for singles looking to meet Indonesian partners
  • Best for Indonesians living abroad who want to find a connection with someone back home
  • Best for those interested in exploring intercultural relationships


1. Is IndonesianCupid safe?

IndonesianCupid is definitely not safe. It’s a dating site, so you can never be sure who you’re talking to and what their intentions are. I wouldn’t recommend it at all!

2. What payment methods does IndonesianCupid accept?

IndonesianCupid only accepts payment through credit cards, which is really inconvenient. Plus, it’s a dating site so having to use your credit card for something like this isn’t ideal. Not sure why they don’t offer more secure and private methods of payment like PayPal or Venmo.

3. Can you delete your IndonesianCupid account?

Yes, you can delete your IndonesianCupid account. But it’s a real hassle to do so and I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s better just to deactivate the account instead – that way if you ever change your mind in the future, reactivating is much easier than starting from scratch again!

4. How to register for IndonesianCupid?

Registering for IndonesianCupid is easy – just fill out a few details and you’re good to go. Not sure why anyone would want to use this dating site, but there it is. Don’t say I didn’t warn you!

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By Kathy Dawson

Kathy Dawson is an online dating expert who has been helping singles find love for over 10 years. She graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles with a degree in psychology and communications. After college, Kathy worked as a matchmaker at one of the top-rated dating services in her area before transitioning to writing reviews on different sites and apps. As someone who’s had experience both inside and outside of the industry, she knows what it takes to make successful matches that last long term - something many people struggle with when navigating their way through digital platforms like Tinder or Bumble. With her knowledge base combined with personal experiences within relationships, Kathy strives to provide helpful advice so others can have better luck finding meaningful connections online too! Her work has been featured on various media outlets such as Cosmopolitan Magazine & The Huffington Post where she shares tips about how best approach potential partners while also providing insight into why certain conversations don't always lead anywhere productive (or worse yet – become ghosted). In addition to being an author/blogger/reviewer for these publications; Kathy hosts webinars & workshops teaching people everything they need know about modern day romance etiquette along side key strategies needed succeed during this era virtual courtship.. Ultimately though it was not just education but life events which inspired Kathy take up this profession full time: after going through difficult breakups herself early twenties (and later getting married)–she realized there were few resources available those looking get back out there again without feeling overwhelmed by all options presented decided do something change that!

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