Are you ready to find your special someone? Have you been searching for the perfect match, but haven’t had any luck? Well, look no further than SeniorPeopleMeet! This dating site is designed specifically with seniors in mind and has plenty of features that make it a great option. But what makes it stand out from other sites like eHarmony or Keep reading to find out more about this unique online dating experience!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, SeniorPeopleMeet is definitely not it. It’s like trying to find a needle in the haystack – good luck! The matches are few and far between so don’t expect much from this one. Plus there’s no guarantee of finding someone special – or even anyone at all! So save yourself some trouble and look elsewhere; trust me when I say it ain’t worth the effort.

SeniorPeopleMeet in 10 seconds

  • SeniorPeopleMeet is a dating site specifically for singles over 50.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account age, location, and interests to suggest compatible matches.
  • Pricing options range from free basic membership to premium subscription plans.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $29.95 per month or $107.85 for 6 months.
  • SeniorPeopleMeet does not have an app, but it is accessible via mobile browsers.
  • SeniorPeopleMeet’s pricing is comparable to other dating sites in the same market.
  • SeniorPeopleMeet offers robust privacy and security features such as profile verification and photo approval.
  • Special features include a “ConnectMe” option which allows users to call each other without revealing their phone numbers.
  • Members can also access “Success Stories” to read about how other couples met on the site.
  • SeniorPeopleMeet has a dedicated customer service team available to answer questions and address concerns.

Pros & Cons

  • SeniorPeopleMeet offers a safe and secure online dating experience.
  • The site is easy to use, with plenty of features for members to take advantage of.
  • It has an active community that provides support and advice for its users.
  • Limited search options
  • No video chat feature
  • Not many active users in some areas
  • Messaging is only available to paying members
  • Can be difficult to find matches outside of your local area

How we reviewed SeniorPeopleMeet

When reviewing SeniorPeopleMeet, my team and I went through a rigorous process to ensure that we provided an in-depth review. We started by testing both the free and paid versions of the site. This allowed us to get a better understanding of how each version worked, as well as what features were available for users on either plan. We then spent several days sending messages back and forth with other users on the platform – over 100 messages total! During this time we tested out different messaging functions such as video chat or instant messenger capabilities. Additionally, our team took into account user reviews from around the web before making any final decisions about our overall opinion of SeniorPeopleMeet’s services.
Finally, after taking all these steps into consideration (and many more), we compiled all our findings together in order to provide readers with an honest overview of what they can expect when using this dating service – no bias included! Our commitment to providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other sites who may not offer such comprehensive assessments; something which is essential when it comes down choosing online dating platforms that are right for you!

Design & Usability

SeniorPeopleMeet has got to be one of the worst dating sites when it comes to design and usability. It looks like something straight out of the 90s, with its bright blue background and orange accents. The layout is clunky at best, making navigation a chore – there’s no intuitive flow from page to page or feature to feature. Even if you manage your way around SeniorPeopleMeet without getting lost in all that outdated UI clutter, don’t expect any bells or whistles: this site offers basic features only (and those are not even well-executed).

The search function isn’t much better either – forget about being able filter by age range or location; instead you have just two options for sorting through potential matches: “Newest Members” and “Who Viewed Me?” And while they do offer some additional tools as part of their paid subscription package – such as more detailed profile information on other users – these seem almost pointless given how difficult it already is just trying use the free version!

In short, SeniorPeopleMeet could definitely benefit from an overhaul in terms of both design AND usability… unless they want people running away faster than rabbits during hunting season! If I had my druthers I’d recommend starting with a color palette that doesn’t give me flashbacks every time I log onto the site; then add some modern touches here & there so navigating around won’t feel like wading through molasses. As far as extra features go…well let’s face it folks – none can truly shine until we’ve addressed those glaring issues first anyway!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from SeniorPeopleMeet, don’t hold your breath. It’s like they’re not even trying to help their users out! I contacted them a couple of times and never got any response or it was so unsatisfactory that it felt like talking to a brick wall.

I mean, there is no page with frequently asked questions on the website – how are people supposed to find answers if they can’t get in touch with anyone? The response time is just too slow; by the time someone gets back to you (if ever) your issue has probably been solved already! It’s really frustrating when companies make promises but fail miserably at delivering results. You’d think that since this site specializes in online dating services, customer service would be top-notch – sadly though, this isn’t always the case here at SeniorPeopleMeet…

And what makes matters worse is that getting through via phone call doesn’t seem possible either – all lines lead nowhere and eventually dead end without giving any useful information whatsoever. So much for being helpful…

All jokes aside though – why should we have settle for subpar customer service? We deserve better than waiting around forever only hoping someone will respond one day soon… Don’t waste your precious energy on something as useless as trying contact these guys because chances are slim you’ll hear anything back anyway..

Signing up

If you’re looking to get back into the dating game, SeniorPeopleMeet is a great place to start. With its easy registration process and age requirement of 50+, it’s no wonder why so many seniors are flocking there! Here’s what you need to know about signing up: First off, registering on SeniorPeopleMeet is free – always a plus in my book! All that’s required from you at this point is your gender and email address. After entering those two pieces of information, they’ll ask for some basic details like your zip code or city name (to help find potential matches near by) as well as birthdate (which must be over 50 years old). They also want an idea of who you are looking for – man/woman/both? That way they can better match users with similar interests. Once all these questions have been answered correctly, it’s time for the fun part – creating your profile page! This includes adding photos (up to 30!), writing something about yourself in their “About Me” section and filling out any other additional fields that may appear such as height or body type etc.. It doesn’t take long but make sure not skimp here because having an interesting profile will increase chances finding someone special quickly.
The last step before officially joining SeniorPeopleMeet requires verifying one final detail – confirming via email link sent after sign-up process has completed successfully. Once verified, voila! You’ve just become part of this amazing online community full singles ready mingle!

  • These are the requirements to register on SeniorPeopleMeet:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you’re looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your zip code
  • An answer to a security question

User Profiles

I recently tried out SeniorPeopleMeet and let me tell you, it was a huge disappointment. The user profiles are so basic that I felt like I was back in the stone age of online dating! Not only do they lack personality, but there’s no way to customize your bio or make yourself stand out from the crowd. It’s almost as if everyone is just blending into one big blob of senior citizens looking for love!

To top it off, all these profiles are public which means anyone can view them – even those who aren’t members on the site. This really takes away any sense of privacy or security when using this service since you don’t know who might be checking up on your profile at any given time. Plus, there isn’t much location info included in each profile either – other than what state/country someone lives in – so good luck trying to figure out how far apart two users actually live from each other without doing some serious detective work first!

Speaking of distance though…there doesn’t seem to be an indication anywhere about how close (or far) people may be located relative to one another which makes finding potential matches near impossible unless you happen across their name by chance while scrolling through hundreds upon hundreds of boring bios with nothing more than generic information listed inside them such as “likes long walks on the beach" and "enjoys spending time with family". Yawn…where’s my pillow?

And forget about getting anything extra for having a premium subscription because there simply isn’t anything offered here that would justify paying money for something like this – especially when compared against better services available elsewhere where users have access too many more features and benefits not found here at SeniorPeopleMeet.

Lastly (and perhaps most importantly), during my testing period I encountered several fake accounts being used by scammers hoping unsuspecting seniors will fall prey to their schemes; yet despite reporting these incidents multiple times none were ever removed nor did customer support respond promptly enough indicating they weren’t taking things seriously enough — talk about feeling neglected after shelling over hard-earned cash!! All-in-all,if you’re considering signing up for SeniorPeopleMeet then think again: its outdated interface combined with lackluster features won’t get ya very far down romance road!


If you’re looking for a senior dating site, SeniorPeopleMeet may not be the best option. While they do offer some free features like creating an account and browsing profiles, most of their services require a paid subscription. And let me tell ya – it ain’t cheap! Sure, there are benefits to having a premium membership such as unlimited messaging and being able to see who has viewed your profile; but when compared with other sites in its category, SeniorPeopleMeet’s prices aren’t very competitive.

Bottom line: if you want access to all the bells and whistles that come along with online dating these days then expect to shell out some serious dough on this one – or look elsewhere for something more affordable!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, search for matches
Send flirts, receive messages
Access to blogs and forums
1-Month $29.95 All free features plus:
View profiles, send and receive emails
3-Month $59.95 All 1-month features plus:
View compatible matches
6-Month $95.95 All 3-month features plus:
Receive priority customer service

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SeniorPeopleMeet include OurTime, SilverSingles, and eHarmony. These sites are specifically designed for seniors who are looking for companionship or love.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for seniors who are looking to find a new partner.
  • Best for those who have been out of the dating scene and want to start fresh.
  • Best for those seeking companionship or friendship with someone in their age group.


1. Is SeniorPeopleMeet free?

No, SeniorPeopleMeet is not free. You have to pay for a subscription if you want to use the site’s features properly. It’s pretty expensive too!

2. How to sign up for SeniorPeopleMeet?

Signing up for SeniorPeopleMeet is pretty straightforward – just enter your email address, create a password and fill out some basic information about yourself. Unfortunately, this dating site doesn’t offer much in terms of security or privacy features so you’ll want to be careful with the personal details that you share. All-in-all it’s not the best option if you’re looking for an online dating experience.

3. How much does SeniorPeopleMeet subscription cost?

SeniorPeopleMeet subscription costs are pretty steep, it’s definitely not cheap. It’s a bit of an outrageous price for what you get out of the site. I’d recommend looking into other dating sites with more reasonable prices.

4. How does SeniorPeopleMeet website work?

SeniorPeopleMeet is just another dating site that makes it easy for people to meet and connect. It’s all about swiping left or right, like any other online dating platform out there. Not sure why anyone would bother with this one when there are better options available.

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By Ravid Yosef

Ravid Yosef is an online dating expert who has dedicated his life to helping others find the perfect match. He enjoys writing reviews on various dating sites and apps, giving readers a better understanding of how they work. A graduate from Stanford University with a degree in psychology, Ravid had always been interested in relationships and communication between people. After working as an assistant psychologist for several years, he decided to pursue something more related to his passion - exploring the world of online dating platforms. His mission was simple: help singles make informed decisions when it comes down to choosing their potential partners by providing honest opinions about different services available out there today. Ravid's experience with technology goes beyond just being able to navigate through different websites; he also knows what makes them successful or not so much so that users can get maximum benefit from each one without wasting time or money on something that won't be useful for them at all! With over five years' worth of research into this field combined with personal experiences gained while using such services himself – Ravid now offers valuable advice based upon first-hand knowledge which allows him provide insight like no other professional could do before!

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