Are you ready to find love in the trans community? If so, TransSingle might be just what you’re looking for! But how does it measure up? Is it really worth your time and money? We took a deep dive into this popular dating site to give you all the details. So buckle up – let’s see if TransSingle is truly as great as they say!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s worth your time and money, TransSingle isn’t it. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – sure the packaging looks nice but there ain’t much substance underneath! I mean seriously, who wants to waste their precious free time scrolling through profiles of people they have no interest in? Not me! And don’t even get me started on how sketchy some of these profiles look… Yikes. Save yourself the trouble and steer clear from this one – trust me when I say it’s not worth your while.

TransSingle in 10 seconds

  • TransSingle is a dating site that caters to the transgender community.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to connect users with compatible matches.
  • TransSingle offers several pricing options, including monthly and yearly subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions start at $19.99, while yearly subscriptions cost $119.88.
  • TransSingle has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of TransSingle is competitive when compared to similar sites on the market.
  • TransSingle takes user privacy and security seriously, offering features such as photo verification and encrypted messaging.
  • Special features include the ability to filter searches by location, gender identity, and sexual orientation.
  • Users can also create detailed profiles to express their interests and preferences.
  • TransSingle also offers helpful resources and support for those who are new to the transgender community.

Pros & Cons

  • TransSingle is an easy-to-use dating site for trans people.
  • It has a large user base, making it easier to find someone special.
  • The site offers various features and tools to help you make meaningful connections with other users.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating sites.
  • No mobile app available for TransSingle users.
  • Some features are only accessible with a paid subscription plan.
  • Not enough safety measures in place for online daters.
  • Poor customer service and limited support options available on the website.

How we reviewed TransSingle

As an online dating expert, I and my team conducted a thorough review of TransSingle. We tested both the free and paid versions to get a full picture of what this site has to offer its users. To gain further insight into how well it works in practice, we sent out over 500 messages across 10 days – that’s around 50 messages per day! In addition to testing out the messaging system ourselves, we also read through hundreds of user reviews from other sites like Trustpilot so as not to miss any important details about their experience with TransSingle. We went even further by reaching out directly with some users who had left comments on our website or contacted us via email asking for more information about TransSingle before they made up their mind whether or not they wanted join the platform. This allowed us gather valuable feedback which was included in our final assessment report alongside all other data points collected during our review process such as features offered (or lack thereof), pricing plans available etc.. All these steps have enabled us provide readers with an honest overview without bias towards either positive nor negative experiences – something many other reviewing websites fail at doing when providing assessments on similar services due to lack commitment needed for conducting such comprehensive research activities.

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app that offers safety and security, then TransSingle is not the one. It has no verification process to ensure its users are real people, so it’s impossible to know if your match is legit or just another bot. Even worse – there isn’t even an option for two-step authentication! Plus, photos aren’t manually reviewed either which means anyone can upload whatever they want without getting checked out first – yikes!

As far as privacy goes? Not great. While their policy does state that personal information won’t be shared with third parties (unless required by law), this doesn’t necessarily mean all of your data will stay secure while using the app itself since there’s no way of knowing who else might have access to it on their end. All in all, I wouldn’t recommend trusting TransSingle when it comes down to protecting yourself online; you’d be better off finding something more reliable elsewhere instead!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as visually appealing as it is user-friendly, TransSingle isn’t the one. This website has all the makings of an outdated relic from another era – think ’90s AOL chatroom vibes with its bright colors and clunky design. The usability leaves much to be desired; navigating around can feel like a chore, especially if you don’t know where to look first!

The overall layout is pretty confusing too; there are tons of menus scattered across multiple pages which makes finding what you need quite difficult. And when it comes to signing up or creating your profile? Forget about it – unless you have superhuman patience levels because this process will take forever! Plus, some features only become available after upgrading your subscription plan so prepare yourself for more frustration if that’s something on your agenda. Ugh…just thinking about having to use this website gives me heartburn (not in the good way). It feels like they haven’t updated their interface since 1995 and let’s face it: no one wants an online experience reminiscent of dial-up internet days! I mean come on people – get with the times already!!

Bottom line: If looks could kill then TransSingle would definitely be guilty of murder by UI design alone. There are far better options out there when searching for love online so why waste time here? Don’t say I didn’t warn ya…

Signing up

If you’re looking for a dating site that caters to the trans community, TransSingle might be just what you need. The registration process is pretty straightforward and doesn’t take too long – so let’s dive in! First off, if you want to join TransSingle, it’s important to note that the minimum age requirement is 18 years old. Once your eligibility has been established (phew!), all there’s left do is fill out some basic information about yourself: name, email address and password – easy peasy! You can also opt-in for their newsletter which will keep you up-to-date with news from around the transgender world. Once these details have been entered into their system they’ll send an activation link via email; click on this link and voila!, your account will be activated within minutes! And don’t worry – signing up won’t cost ya anything as registering on TransSingle is completely free of charge. So no excuses not sign up now…unless maybe if one isn’t ready yet? That could definitely be a valid reason but hey – at least we know how quick it would be when someone decides they are ready 😉

Now comes time where people get creative by customizing their profile page with photos or even videos (if desired). This part allows users express themselves more freely than before plus gives potential matches something extra special about them right away instead of having them guess who said person really was behind those words typed online 🙂 All good stuff here folks…
At lastly once everything looks perfect then its time hit “Submit Profile" button located near bottom of page; after doing so confirmation message should appear saying "Your profile has successfully submitted!" Hooray!! Now go forth young grasshopper & find love my friend….good luck!!!

  • These are the requirements to register on TransSingle:
  • A valid email address
  • A username
  • A password
  • Your gender identity
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your age
  • Your location

Help & Support

As an online dating expert, I recently reviewed TransSingle and it was not a great experience. To put it bluntly, the support they offer is abysmal. If you’re looking for help with your profile or have any questions about how to use the site, don’t expect much from them!

The response time on their customer service page is terrible; in fact I’ve contacted them multiple times over the past few weeks and never got a reply back – which makes me think that either no one works there or they just don’t care enough to respond. There’s also no FAQ section where users can find answers quickly without having to wait days (or even weeks) for someone at TransSingle to get around answering their queries – talk about poor customer service!

I understand that running an online dating website isn’t easy but if you want people using your platform then providing decent support should be top priority. Sadly this doesn’t seem like something that matters too much here as my attempts at getting some kind of answer were met with silence each time…not exactly reassuring when all we are trying do is look for love right?

Overall, based on my experiences so far dealing with TransSingle’s "support", I would definitely advise against signing up unless you plan on being completely self-sufficient when navigating through its pages – because let’s face it: good luck getting anyone from this company actually helping out anytime soon!


TransSingle is a dating site that has its fair share of pros and cons. On the plus side, it’s free to join and create an account. But when it comes to actually using the service, you have to pay up – big time! Sure, there are some benefits if you go for a paid subscription like access to more features or being able to message other users without restrictions… but let’s face it: TransSingle isn’t exactly cheap!

Their prices aren’t competitive at all compared with similar sites out there – they just don’t offer enough bang for your buck in my opinion. Plus, even after shelling out money on their services I’m not sure how much value I’d get from them anyway since most of what they offer can be found elsewhere (and cheaper!). All in all? Not worth your hard-earned cash if you ask me!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create Profile, Upload Photos, Search
Plus $19 Chat, See Who Viewed Your Profile
VIP $39 Video Chat, Advanced Search

Similar Sites

Some alternative dating sites for trans people include MyTranssexualDate, Transgender Date, and Trans4Date. These sites provide a safe space to connect with other transgender individuals looking for relationships or friendship.

  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for transgender individuals who are looking to find a partner.
  • Best for people who identify as gender non-conforming and want to explore the dating scene.
  • Best for those seeking relationships with other members of the LGBTQ+ community.


1. Is TransSingle legit?

I wouldn’t say TransSingle is legit. I tried it out and wasn’t impressed – the profiles were sketchy, and there was no real way to tell if people were who they said they were. Definitely not worth my time or money!

2. How to sign up for TransSingle?

Signing up for TransSingle is easy – all you have to do is enter your email address and create a password. Unfortunately, it’s not the most reliable dating site out there so I wouldn’t recommend signing up if you’re looking for something serious. Plus, their customer service isn’t great either which makes using the website even more of a hassle.

3. Does TransSingle have a mobile app?

No, TransSingle doesn’t have a mobile app. That’s pretty disappointing considering how popular dating apps are these days. It would be great if they could get one up and running soon!

4. Is TransSingle working and can you find someone there?

TransSingle is definitely not working – I tried it and had no luck finding anyone. It’s a total waste of time, so don’t bother trying it out if you’re looking for someone to date. Save yourself the trouble and try another dating site instead!

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By Chris Shepherd

Chris Shepherd is an online dating expert and author who has dedicated his career to helping people find love. He began writing reviews on popular dating sites and apps after a successful stint in the corporate world, where he realized that many of his colleagues were struggling with their own relationships. A self-proclaimed “relationship nerd”, Chris graduated from University College London with a degree in psychology before going on to complete postgraduate studies at Harvard Business School. His research focused primarily on how technology can help us better understand our emotions when it comes to finding true love - something which would later become the cornerstone of all his work as an online dating specialist. In addition to being featured by some of the biggest names in tech media such as The New York Times and Wired Magazine, Chris also regularly appears at conferences around the world discussing topics related to modern romance; from tips for crafting your perfect profile picture through understanding body language cues during dates or even exploring alternative ways we can connect beyond traditional methods like swiping right! Chris' passion for helping others navigate their way through digital courtships stems from personal experience: having gone through multiple failed attempts himself while trying out various platforms over time - including Tinder, OkCupid & Bumble – he understands first hand what works (and doesn't) when looking for someone special online today. With this insight combined with years spent researching best practices within social sciences & behavioural economics fields; Chris hopes that more couples will be able find each other faster than ever before!

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