Are you a single person in uniform looking for love? Well, look no further! Uniform Dating is here to help. But before you jump right into the world of online dating, let’s take a closer look at what this site has to offer. In this review we’ll cover everything from signing up and creating your profile, to messaging other users and even how much it costs – so stick around if you want all the details on Uniform Dating!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s as dull and boring as your uniform then Uniform Dating is the one for you! This place is like an old-fashioned dinner party – it’s just not my cup of tea. The matches are few and far between, so don’t expect to find any sparks flying here. Plus, their search features are pretty limited; they won’t even let me filter by eye color or height! All in all I’d say this isn’t worth your time or money – there are much better options out there than Uniform Dating.

Uniform Dating in 10 seconds

  • Uniform Dating is an online dating site for singles who wear a uniform or are looking to meet someone who does.
  • Uniform Dating uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible partners.
  • Uniform Dating offers several pricing options, including a free basic membership and premium subscriptions ranging from $24.99 – $34.99 per month.
  • The premium subscription prices are $24.99/month for 1 month, $49.99/month for 3 months, and $74.99/month for 6 months.
  • Uniform Dating has an app available on both the App Store and Google Play.
  • Uniform Dating’s pricing is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Uniform Dating takes privacy and security seriously and provides users with a secure environment in which to find love.
  • Uniform Dating offers special features such as a “Verified Badge” to verify user profiles.
  • Uniform Dating also offers users the ability to block or report inappropriate content.
  • Uniform Dating provides users with the ability to send virtual gifts to show interest.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to find someone who shares your same values and interests.
  • Quickly connect with other singles in uniform or those who admire them.
  • Fun, safe environment for online dating with verified members.
  • Limited to people in the uniformed services and those who admire them.
  • Not as many users compared to other dating sites.
  • No option for same-sex relationships or nonbinary genders.
  • Messaging features are limited unless you upgrade your account.
  • Some of the profiles may be fake or inactive due to lack of moderation from admins/moderators

How we reviewed Uniform Dating

As an online dating expert, I and my team put Uniform Dating through its paces to provide a comprehensive review. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site by sending messages to other users – in total we sent over 500 messages during our time using this platform! To ensure that all aspects were thoroughly reviewed, we spent several days actively engaging with other members on Uniform Dating. We also took note of how easy it was for us to create a profile as well as what features are available when you upgrade your account (e.g., seeing who has viewed your profile). Additionally, we checked out user reviews from around the web before giving our final verdict on whether or not Uniform Dating is worth trying out. Our commitment sets us apart from other review sites because unlike them, we don’t just skim through things but instead take great care in providing detailed feedback about each aspect of this dating service so readers can make informed decisions based off accurate information presented here at OnlineDatingExpertise.

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that will make your uniform stand out, Uniform Dating is not the place to go. The colors and design of this website are about as exciting as watching paint dry. It looks like it was designed in 1999 with its dull blue and grey color scheme – there’s nothing eye-catching or modern here!

When it comes to usability, things don’t get much better either. Navigation around the site can be confusing at times; buttons aren’t always where you’d expect them to be so finding what you’re looking for isn’t easy unless you know exactly where everything is located on the page – which let’s face it most people won’t! Even if they do manage to find their way around eventually, chances are they’ll have given up by then anyway due to frustration caused by all those dead ends along the way…not ideal when trying impress someone online right? It doesn’t help matters any that upgrading from free membership requires payment upfront before users can access some features such as messaging other members or viewing full profiles without having seen anything else first – talk about jumping in headfirst into an unknown pool of fishy water! And even after paying extra money for premium subscription plans there still seems no improvement whatsoever regarding UI/UX improvements…what a rip off!!

In conclusion I would say avoid Uniform Dating at all costs because although being able ‘to wear your heart on your sleeve’ may sound romantic enough but trust me when I tell ya – navigating through this website sure ain’t gonna win anyone over anytime soon!!

Signing up

Signing up for Uniform Dating is a piece of cake. All you need to do is provide your gender, age (you must be 18 or over), email address and create a password. After that, the site will send an activation link to your inbox so make sure you check it out! Once activated, all that’s left to do is fill in some basic information about yourself – like what kind of uniformed profession you have or are interested in – and then upload at least one photo.

It’s free to join Uniform Dating but if want access more features such as unlimited messaging and viewing who visited your profile page then there are subscription packages available starting from £9.99 per month which can be cancelled anytime with no penalty fees involved – how convenient! You also get discounts when signing up for longer periods like three months instead of just one; plus they throw in bonus gifts too depending on the package chosen so it pays off big time!

Once everything has been filled out properly its time start searching through profiles based on criteria including location, occupation type/interests etc., sending winks & messages or joining chat rooms where people gather around discussing different topics related not only dating but also life stories & experiences within their respective professions; providing great advice along the way too sometimes even making new friends outside romantic relationships…it’s always nice having someone else relate with especially if both parties share similar interests right? It really helps break down barriers between two strangers creating a stronger bond almost instantly without any awkwardness whatsoever since everyone knows why they’re here: finding love while wearing uniforms 😉

  • To register on Uniform Dating, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • Your gender and the gender of the person you are looking for
  • Your date of birth
  • A username and password
  • Your location

User Profiles

Well, I recently tried out Uniform Dating and let me tell you – it was a total flop. The user profiles are pretty basic with no real indication of who the person is or what they’re looking for in terms of dating. It’s like shooting arrows into the dark! All their profile pictures were public so anyone can view them which isn’t great if you’re trying to keep your identity private. You also don’t get to set a custom bio on your profile either, so there’s not much room for creativity when it comes to getting people interested in learning more about you.

The location info that appears on each user’s profile was really vague too; all we got was an area code without any other information regarding distance between users or even city names – not helpful at all! And unfortunately, there wasn’t any way to hide this info from appearing publicly either which could be off-putting for some folks who want privacy while online dating.

Speaking of privacy though…I did come across quite a few fake profiles during my time using Uniform Dating as well – yikes! So yeah…not exactly ideal if safety is one of your top priorities when searching through potential matches online (which it should be). Plus, aside from being able to send unlimited messages after signing up (which doesn’t cost anything), there aren’t many benefits associated with having a premium subscription here…so why bother?

All things considered then…Uniform Dating just didn’t cut it for me personally; I mean sure its free but that only gets ya so far right? There needs more features available before this site will become worth investing time and money into IMO anyway..

Security & Safety

If you’re looking for a dating app, Uniform Dating might not be the best option. It lacks in safety and security features that are essential when it comes to online dating. There is no verification process available on this platform so anyone can join without having their identity checked out first. This leaves users vulnerable to bots and fake accounts which could potentially harm them or steal their personal information if they’re not careful enough with who they talk to online.

The photos uploaded by members of Uniform Dating aren’t manually reviewed either, making it easier for scammers or catfishers to create an account using someone else’s pictures instead of theirs – leaving users exposed even more than before! As far as privacy goes, there isn’t much protection offered here since all your data will be stored in the company’s servers indefinitely – yikes!

To make matters worse, there isn’t any two-step authentication system available on this platform either; meaning hackers have easy access into user profiles should they get hold of one person’s login details somehow… All these factors combined make me think twice about recommending Uniform Dating at all – let alone signing up myself!


Uniform Dating isn’t exactly a bargain. It’s not free, and it doesn’t offer much bang for your buck either. Sure, you can create an account without paying anything – but if you want to actually do something with that account then be prepared to shell out some cash! The paid subscription offers are steep; I’m talking about prices so high they’d make even the most hardened soldier blush! And what benefits does this premium membership get you? Not much more than basic access really… no bells or whistles here folks.

The truth is Uniform Dating just isn’t competitive when it comes to pricing – there are plenty of other dating sites offering better value for money (and far fewer restrictions). So unless having a uniformed partner is absolutely essential in your love life, I would suggest looking elsewhere before signing up with them…you’ll thank me later!

Plan Price Features
Basic $19.99/month Create a profile, upload photos, search for matches, send and receive messages, see who’s viewed your profile
Premium $29.99/month All basic features plus: Advanced search filters, unlimited messaging, view verified profiles, read receipts for messages, priority customer service
VIP $49.99/month All premium features plus: Highlighted profile in search results, access to exclusive events, priority profile approval

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to Uniform Dating include, eHarmony, OkCupid and Plenty of Fish which are all popular online dating sites that cater to a variety of different interests and lifestyles. Additionally, there are niche-specific dating apps such as FarmersOnly or OurTime for those looking for more specific matches within their age range or profession.

  • OkCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble
  • Hinge

Best for

  • Best for Military Personnel
  • Best for Police Officers
  • Best for Firefighters


1. What payment methods does Uniform Dating accept?

Uniform Dating only accepts payment through credit and debit cards, which is a bit of a bummer. I was hoping for more options like PayPal or Apple Pay. It’s really inconvenient to have such limited payment methods on this dating site.

2. Is Uniform Dating trustworthy?

I wouldn’t say Uniform Dating is trustworthy. It’s a dating site, so it can be difficult to know who you’re really talking to and if they are being honest with you. I’d recommend using another service that offers more verification options for safety purposes.

3. How can I contact Uniform Dating?

You can contact Uniform Dating through their website, but I wouldn’t recommend it. It’s a dating site after all and who knows what kind of people you’ll end up talking to. You’re better off looking for someone in real life!

4. What are Uniform Dating alternatives?

Other dating sites like Tinder, Bumble and are all popular alternatives to Uniform Dating. It’s a shame that people have to resort to these other apps when they could be using something specifically tailored for their needs on Uniform Dating. I would recommend steering clear of any other generic dating sites if you’re looking for someone in uniform!

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By Debra Berndt

Debra Berndt is an online dating expert and author who has been writing reviews on various dating sites and apps for the past five years. She holds a degree in Psychology from Harvard University, which sparked her interest in understanding how people interact with each other when it comes to relationships. After graduating college, Debra worked as a matchmaker at one of the top-rated matchmaking services before transitioning into full-time freelance work focusing on reviewing different types of online dating platforms. With her expertise, she offers readers insight into what makes certain websites or apps better than others based on user experience feedback that she collects through extensive research. As someone who’s experienced both sides of the spectrum – working professionally within this field as well as being personally involved with many different forms of digital romance – Debra understands first hand why so many singles are turning towards technology to find love these days; something that was unheard off only ten years ago! Her goal is not just to provide honest assessments but also share tips and advice about navigating through modern day courtship rituals such as texting etiquette or profile optimization techniques etc… In addition to providing helpful information related specifically around finding potential partners via cyberspace, Debra also runs workshops aimed at helping individuals learn more about themselves while discovering new ways they can improve their self confidence levels - all necessary ingredients needed if you want success when looking for your soul mate!

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